This is the difference between the law and the gospel. Love belongs to the heart; and every surgeon will tell you that a disease of the heart may not be trifled with. It loves its own. Right obedience to Christ is humble, universal, and hearty. YAHshua (Jesus) our Messiah said, “If you love Me you will obey Me” (see John 14:15). This is the Revised Version, and I hope it will be written out in capitals upon our revised lives! It is sometimes difficult for every man to obey. Ah! Why do they? Peace with our own conscience, with society and God. THE ALL-POWERFUL MOTIVE. There is one class of petitions, however, in which you do not need to make any of these reservations. One who violates a physical law the existence of which he knows or ought to know, and then thinks to escape through prayer from the penalty of that law, really insults God by his prayer. (3) The world gives occasionally, and according to its moods. H. Spurgeon.This is a chapter singularly full of certainties, and remarkably studded with "ifs."1. If you love Christ —. I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper that He may be with you … Love belongs to the heart; and every surgeon will tell you that a disease of the heart may not be trifled with. The Paraclete comes to scatter delusions, and to bring souls into contact with the morally real.3. If there be little of it, the fruit of Christian feeling will be poor and scant. THE EVIDENCE OF ITS POSSESSION. When love cools, obedience slacks and drives heavily, because it wants the oil on it which that love used to drop.(T. Because —(1) It tests whether you are loving Christ in His true position, or whether your love is to a Christ of your own making, and your own placing. To how great a height does the Christianity of the New Testament tower above that of most of its professors. and what is the action which often indicates childhood's love? “Then those who feared YAHveh spoke to one another, and YAHveh gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear YAHveh and who esteem His name. We give Him lip service, and that is supposed to be our sacrifice? II. They are left on the pages of Holy Writ.2. Reflections: The subject teaches us —1. And you have only to lift that which is the experience of every true heart into the higher regions, to see that Christ has invoked an omnipotent power.2. Believers shall know the love which God has for them, the Spirit Him. Peace with our own conscience, with society and God. 16).1. The chapter almost closes at ver. Men find it hard to give up their own will, and accept that of another as their law. If there be little of it, the fruit of Christian feeling will be poor and scant. 27). To enjoy this manifestation as a permanent condition of soul: "make our abode. They are not eye servants, and so they work none the less because he is absent. Let us never enter into the counsel of those who do not believe that there are any commandments for believers to keep. Oftentimes men of the world will give their money to the cause of Christ, putting down large sums for charity or for missions, but they will not weep in secret over other men's sins, or speak a word of comfort to an afflicted saint. (2) The world gives limitedly. If there be much, there will be great fruit, and easily grown. H. Christ gives from infinite disinterestedness. 4. All things are easy to love. W. Beecher.Obedience is freedom, when we have learned to love the lips that command.