A show about a larger-bodied person learning to accept herself and ignore the haters would have been a relatively fresh take, something not seen often in a medium where we're routinely asked to view model-gorgeous women as plain or even ugly just because she's wearing glasses or an unflattering hairstyle. Copyright © TV Series Finale. None of this is meant to be taken seriously; it’s simply backdrop for moments of giddy pleasure, like the luscious title-card lips or Dallas Roberts’ perfect strut in high heels. A bullied teenager turns to beauty pageants as a way to exact her revenge, with the help of a disgraced coach who soon realizes he's in over his head. I watch this every single day and they dont have any fat shaming... “insatiable” is a really fun show to watch. N.Y. Climbs to 6-Month High; More States Hit Highs: Virus Update 3. Daniel Schroeder is a Slate podcast producer and freelance writer. I think the series is filled with deviant and criminal sexual behavior. Bob is less easy to sympathize with: an adult man who just loves to train girls for beauty pageants? The content in this show is unbelievable. I get that some parents aren’t ok with their children seeing some bloody images but I would definitely recommend it to mid teens to young adult!! The story is boring and the comedy ain't funny. It's not realistic. | Scary? A woman says she used to be a "whore," a teen girl in revealing clothing is said to look like an "underage hooker.". Some people are upset because of the "bad body image" message...but it is a DARK comedy: just that. Why? Insatiable: Season 1 - Debby Ryan Is Insatiable. In my opinion, this show was pretty entertaining. The trailer might of not been the best for some people but the series is amazing!it's funny, sad and so relatable. It does have some dark parts but I think it teaches people to be the most them the can be witch is repeated Multiple times in some episodes. In season two, and at the end of season one, this series gets very dark. I think it's a really good program for teenagers as they can relate to it. Ok there are a few sexual references ,some language ,and violence. This post is part of Outward, Slate’s home for coverage of LGBTQ life, thought, and culture. How Technology Is Reshaping Democracy and Our Lives, Participate in DigCit Week with your kid by using curated activities from Wide Open School, Online Playdates, Game Nights, and Other Ways to Socialize at a Distance, Keeping Kids Motivated for Online Learning. Insatiable is the best show on Netflix always! This show is disgusting you shouldn’t let your children watch it. If that doesn’t work for you, please continue hating it. A man and wife talk about plans to "celebrate" before they both unzip their clothing. The TV Series, Insatiable Age rating, is TV-MA. There's also the troubling matter of all the anti-fat messages this show slings. Do you think this show is funny? Plot Keywords. Families can talk about the messages Insatiable spreads about body image and bullying. Characters balk at the idea of gay bashing and never think being queer is a problem. 2019-20 Season Ratings for New TV Shows (week 42) 2019-20 TV Show Season Ratings (week 42) Check Out the Network Television Fall 2020 Schedule (as of 7/14/2020) Violence is sporadic but surprisingly intense: Two characters punch each other in the face during an argument; a character douses another with alcohol and considers setting him on fire; a man is bludgeoned to death; a man considers suicide with a gun. Average Rating: Avg Rating: 4.2/5 Total Count: 3436; The percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher. This show is very dark and there's nothing that makes it interesting. I mostly watch things for entertainment value, not for role models or life lessons. Iffy messages are relentless, with characters joking about body type, beauty, women's societal roles, violence, and inappropriate or even criminal sexual behavior, such as child sexual abuse. Very shocking, violent and gory. This is not a forum for general discussion of the article's subject. What to Watch, Read, and Play While Your Kids Are Stuck Indoors, Common Sense Selections for family entertainment, Stoke kids' love of reading with great summer stories, Check out new Common Sense Selections for games, Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews, 5 consejos para hablar con tus hijos sobre las elecciones, Which Side of History? Parents need to know that Insatiable is an over-the-top comedy about a high school girl who loses a considerable amount of weight and then decides to take revenge on those who treated her badly when she was larger. Feeling abandoned, she retreats to the only reliable comfort she’s known, and the episode ends with a grim scene of her binging an entire birthday cake in silence. Patty is supposed to be a sympathetic character, but this show has her doing many awfully hard-to-sympathize-with things. Insatiable isn’t serving any of that. Like this unfortunately wrongheaded show, that revenge plan could use a makeover. Privacy Policy. When Bob’s son Brick (Michael Provost) is getting his room ready to have a girl over, Bob, rather than scold his son for even considering a hookup, just starts teasing him about his sex date. Are they intended to be? Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. A character offers a teen a cigarette and says smoking "keeps the pounds off." Ratings Info strong language, sex references, violence, drug misuse. But delaying Patty's self-actualization until she's magically lost weight was a fatal decision that makes its satire toothless. Approved Running time 131m 0s . She doesn't regain the weight over the course of the series. Not to mention Patty is a cheating, home wrecking, lying murderer. You can be a vengeful sociopath regardless of body size. Taglines -- say things like "Nobody likes a fatty!" Insatiable is a great show. Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase. Gordon Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, How to Live with Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life), I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! Ratings info #NoSuchThing as child pornography BBFC app U PG 12A and 12 15 18 R18 Digital Age Ratings Mobile Content Framework Industry Advice Appeals and Complaints Q&A Quarterly Report EE Online Music Videos A teen girl strips off her shirt and is seen in her bra. I say ouch not for Insatiable, but for the critics—because they’re all wrong. Bob questions his own sexuality with beautiful lines like, “If demons exist, maybe bisexuals do too.” There’s even an attempt at polyamory by the end of the show. How Technology Is Reshaping Democracy and Our Lives, Participate in DigCit Week with your kid by using curated activities from Wide Open School, Online Playdates, Game Nights, and Other Ways to Socialize at a Distance, Keeping Kids Motivated for Online Learning, Set limits for violence and more with Plus. A man says that smoking "keeps the pounds off" when offering a teen a cigarette. Overall great show would recommend to all parents. DMCA. And yet haters, for some unknown reason, are still looking for the standard expectation of story or consistency. ‘Business is back to pre-COVID levels:’ Analyst on Roku earnings 4. Wondering if Insatiable is OK for your kids? Wondering if Insatiable is OK for your kids? It’s maybe not something you should follow as an example for how to behave, but it’s a show that will make you laugh... Tantalizing mystery plays up glamour, sexiness in teen life. Most other characters are stereotypes, from the mean girls who torment Patty to her sexually rapacious and jealous mother. It's not "The little house in the prairie" ! When she weighed 70 pounds more, Patty (Debby Ryan) was a punching bag to everyone in her life. Pilot 43m. This is beyond reprehensible and netflix should be ashamed of spending money or airing this show. You’ve run out of free articles. Is it funny? See our. I know it's controversial to say this, but I enjoyed it. We were unable to submit your evaluation. Were there any jokes about sex or violence that made you uncomfortable? A teen asks if a character is "banging" her mom. Teens drink without consequences, including in a scene where a teen offers an older man brown liquor in a glass and they drink together. What to Watch, Read, and Play While Your Kids Are Stuck Indoors, Common Sense Selections for family entertainment, Stoke kids' love of reading with great summer stories, Check out new Common Sense Selections for games, Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews, 5 consejos para hablar con tus hijos sobre las elecciones, Which Side of History? So why don’t the critics? All rights reserved. Ratings Info Contains strong images of real sex, or fetish material, intended for sexual stimulation. Please don't give netflix credit by even attempting to watch this awful waste of time. But neither Bob nor his calculating wife, Coralee (Alyssa Milano), have any conception of just how far Patty will go to exact her payback. Release year: 2018. My 11 year old actually loves this show. But for Patty, it largely turns out to be a moral cancer. There are so many other good shows that show the nuances of growing up in today's society. If you still demand a politics from Insatiable, it’s in this shift. We’ve got exorcism, murders, and even a restaurant called the Weiner Taco. A character "roofies" another and takes her hostage. User Ratings; External Reviews; Metacritic Reviews; TV. I actually made my whole family, friends and everyone that I know to get Netflix to watch insatiable.