Small kids are very innocent. For example, when we want to write something, we search the information on Google, and whatever information we find on the web, we utilise it. Here are a few disadvantages of using mobile phones for long hours. without it being physically attached to a network using cables. Their nervous systems are still developing and therefore more vulnerable to factors that may cause cancer. It is the name given to the phobia of being out of mobile phone contact. These germs attack the immune system of humans and weakens it. Smartphones have made the world come closer in an almost literal sense. It can be common for children to lose or break them. There is a need to maintain a balance between the pros and cons, not only when it comes to cell phones, but rather all forms of technology and devices. Moreover, new research shows how people get anxious when they can’t answer calls or reply to texts once they see their mobile phone’s screen light up, even if they are in a meeting, or a lecture. Clearly, the mobile phone is one of the phenomenal inventions of this age. They even keep the phones right beside their bed, or even their pillow, so that they can get up on time when the alarm rings. So what are the repercussions of constantly using these devices day in day out? When you have games, videos, messaging apps etc. 1. Scientists have reported adverse health effects of using mobile phones including changes in brain activity, reaction times, and sleep patterns. A mobile phone is a portable telephone that has access to a cellular radio system. Two Students are playing with mobile phone during lecture. A majority of people in the developed world already own a cell phone, so the advantages and disadvantages of this technology are more for those looking into ownership for the first time or reviewing the history of this invention. Ownership of mobile phones can create specific issues for children. distract our mind. The amount of radio frequency energy a mobile phone user is exposed to depends on many factors such as the technology of the phone, the distance between the phone and the user, the extent and type of mobile phone use and the user’s distance from cell phone towers. Listening to music at a high volume constantly, and talking on the phone for long periods, of course, affects our hearing. Instant Connect and Communication Instant Connect and Communication. And to make the mobile phone look more attractive, a layer of metallic sheen is added. By now, it is well known that cell phones give off radiation. The first thing that grabs the attention of the people while looking at a mobile phone is its look/appearance. The longer you can stay away from your phone, the more you can concentrate on your work, or studies. Studies show that because of the hyper-vigilance caused by cell phones (the need to check phones for notifications), the adrenals in our body remain constantly activated and cortisol levels remain high. Since the first cell phone, we’ve been able to make calls while on the go. This radiation is said to affect our brain cells directly; often mutating existing cells into cancerous cells, hence, causing brain cancer. 5 Disadvantages of Mobile Phones for Children. Similarly, a text message left without a reply, or a post on Facebook that did not get enough ‘likes’, etc., can also cause one to feel down and become easy prey to depression and other anxiety disorders. Here are a few disadvantages of using mobile phones for long hours. Children have the potential to be at greater risk than adults for developing brain cancer from cell phones. This can only result in the next generation full of bespectacled teenagers. Thus holding the phone between the ear, neck and shoulder increases the risk of back pain. Yes, research shows that our cell phones are THAT unhygienic. ... Top 10 Disadvantages of Mobile Phones: 1. Whenever we want to do something, googling about how to do it is the first thing we do. All Rights Reserved. Mobile Phone can be cause of skin diseases especially hand skin, cancer and eye problems etc. The purpose of this post was not to build a negative perception against one of the most revolutionary inventions of our times – the mobile phone. Distraction. Little do they know that, by doing this, they are inviting more germs than a toilet seat. Walking with all your information in one place can be very convenient, until it becomes vulnerable to cyber theft. Top 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks. Study Loss; Another biggest disadvantages for students is they have very high loss of their studies. This residue contains more disease-causing germs than found on a toilet seat. “Long periods of cell phone use cause you to arch your neck and hold your body in a strange posture. Add to this the cell phone towers constantly popping up to give us ever-improving reception and even being in a building or outside of the city … “My cell phone is my best friend. We all have the habit of multitasking. Even though so many disadvantages of cell phones have been listed here, like everything, they have their own share of positive points as well. These days we have seen an increase in the number of people losing their lives due to the attention they pay to their cell phones, instead of what they are actually doing. Disadvantages of Mobile Phones Don’t Outweigh its Advantages. 5 Advantages of Mobile Phones 1. Wondering how? Some people click selfies while walking, others are on call, some continue texting. Although the term is ‘nomophobia’, many argue that ‘phobia’ might not be the most appropriate; and calling it an anxiety disorder could be more suitable instead. Mobile phones have become a necessity in today’s time. Everyone who has ever had a cell phone can relate to this. The natural process of thinking and using our own creativity has been hampered with this smart technology. Whenever we sit down to work, the luring applications on our mobile phones like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram etc. It’s my lifeline to the outside world”, says Carrie Underwood, singer and song-writer. It becomes very difficult, then, to be apart from it for any period of time. When one gets used to a cell phone, they also become slowly dependent on it. Now, there appears to be a need for new programs in order to raise awareness about texting and walking. Even children who don’t own laptops, or sit in front of the computer, use cell phones for almost everything. Since, internet, computers and cell phones have occupied an important place in our lives, we have failed to realize that they have made us dependent on them. This is directly related to the amount of time you can stay away from your phone. Mobile phones emit radio frequency energy, a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed by tissues close to the phone. High usage of cell phones affects the health of human beings adversely. Pharmacy compounding has grown in terms of popularity and availability as people are learning more and more about the advantages …, Introduction: -
While physical harm can be contained, I wondered, what about the harm that mobile phones cause to our mental health?