Armored Warfare (sometimes referred to as AW) is a free-to-play vehicular combat video game developed by and published by for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.The game features combat vehicles from the 1950s through modern day and includes destructible environments as well as player vs. environment and player vs. player gameplay. report. As for the player base, this idea will and is going to hep it die out even faster. Drive modern tanks, armored vehicles and more. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Among Us Becomes the #8 Most Played Game Ever... Fall Guys is Devolver Digital's Biggest Launc... Community Highlight: Heroics (SPG team only). this game has been out for a long while. I check back on it every couple of months to see what's new (usually a whole bunch of premium tanks and some bugs) and what's been fixed (usually very little) and I don't see the player base ever recovering. Player count . Close. mechasonic9000. < > Showing 1-15 of 18 comments . why is the player count so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ low! 7. Doesn't that indicate a too grindy system that makes new players quit? Striker. They really blew their opportunity by both not advertising this Steam release and releasing a terribly broken patch right before it. Armored Warfare is a team-based action MMO tank game from for the PC. **ANNOUNCING ARMORED WARFARE** And I imagine that most players use the proprietary launcher only, so they don't count … Does anybody know a website where the actual player clount of Armored Warfare players can be viewed? Nov 17, 2017 @ 10:55pm Do you count the new players from Steam? Armored Warfare is a team-based action MMO tank game from for the PC. After some searching, only steamcharts or websites that use steamcharts as a data source come up. save. Get up-to-date player count stats for the most popular games with GitHyp! Armored Warfare. why is the player count so ♥♥♥♥ing low! Its mostly love on NA server, which I like. They are always giving out bonus and I have even received tanks and it is much appreciated! Preordered all the commander whatever bundles.. .. been at it since its inception.. no support for english side of the coin.. after the third? 100% Upvoted. I do hope more player who was in the groups in the past help get this game going! Or better yet, go on the discord and start asking for that info, and then ask why it’s not publicly released - ban hammer will be instant. The second Spirithaven Raid is now available! I am pretty sure more than 5 people play this game. hide. Unfortunately, many of those old players are still disgruntled, as you can see by the mixed reviews. Dec 5, 2017 @ 6:43pm this game has been out for a long while. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. If not no. cause it can be fun in a "Good" PvP match Global Ops are fun too! Show/Hide Show/Hide. Immerse yourself into the world of modern armored vehicle combat. Current Video Game Statistics for the Current-Gen Gamer. Yes its a big download but the game play is fun! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Nov 17, 2017 @ 10:24pm Has it got a active playerbase now ?? Its not a perfect game, but Its fun. Does anybody know a website where the actual player clount of Armored Warfare players can be viewed? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. It just isn't the same when you start advertising a game that has been on Steam for some time vs. advertising a new release. Despite the fun gameplay it worked on me frankly. I have no idea what it's even doing on steam; the game in its current state will simply drive the curious away. Dota 2 568k players . or are we up to 4th development team.. an endless promises of ' we will advertise an support the game after (random patch number here) .. its pretty safe to say this is nothing more then a fishing trip for your credit card info.. ! Major reason for low player numbers: advertisement, or more accurately the absence of advertisement. I've been playing for only a few days but from the matchmaking, I can see that game is mostly full of tier 3-4 tanks and a low player count. share. Archived. All rights reserved. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Armored Warfare > General Discussions > Topic Details. And I imagine that most players use the proprietary launcher only, so they don't count towards this statistic. The game had issues when it first came out Early Access (EA). AW also has a significantly lower grind than WoT. Log in Sign up. you have no player base ATM how will the PS4 launch … Player Counts Counter-Strike: Glob 843k players . We’re thrilled to announce Armored Warfare, a new free-to-play massively multiplayer online tactical military video game that puts you in control of some of the most incredible, modern destructive machines to grace a battlefield. seriously 5 people at any given time! Cookies help us deliver our Services. seriously 5 people at any given time! This game is basically a series of bad development decisions. The majority or players are on RU server, and EU server. Immerse yourself into the world of modern armored vehicle combat. Press J to jump to the feed. and this game is coming to PS4! Armored Warfare. Player count. Find out how many gamers are playing Armored Warfare right now on Steam. © Valve Corporation. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Armored Warfare > General Discussions > Topic Details. After some searching, only steamcharts or websites that use steamcharts as a data source come up. Nothv13. There are definitely no p2w premiums and there is no gold ammo unlike WoT. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). and this game is coming to PS4! In Development: Model Improvements in Update 0.33 (Part 2), Community Highlight: Al Dabbah Screenshot Contest Results, In Development: Directed Mechanized Infantry Fire, Historical Skins – Leopard 2A5 Bundeswehr. Been with AW from the Start when we had certain times on the test server to play! Like I posted a couple of years ago on their website, the worse thing they could ever do would be to bring this game to Steam but, they were looking for more profit and Gaben agreed to go for that himself. 24 comments.