bite the bullet meaning: 1. to force yourself to do something unpleasant or difficult, or to be brave in a difficult…. Feifei doesn't like Rob's cooking. FeifeiExactly! Here's an honest phrase to use. 0. Talk- Okay, now you're ready to bite the bullet and initiate a discreet conversation. Rob challenges Helen to a word game about a funny-sounding phrase. Is it a list? What actions are considered out of order in your country? Love to travel, but worried about the environment? The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Looking stupid? Urghh! To bear up in an unpleasant or a difficult situation. Do you find that daily life is a bit different now? 4)  She bites the bullet and does the huge pile of laundry. There are some other interesting phrases about “bite“. 2) You bite the bullet when you must do something you really don't like. You were the only person here when the television broke, so you might as well bite the biscuit and tell me the truth. In the medieval times, before the discovery of anaesthesia, when soldiers were wounded in battle and have to be treated or undergo surgery, they were made to bite on something hard to keep them from screaming out in pain. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. We explain a useful phrase. 3) He bites the bullet every time he disagrees with the boss. Often soldiers had to literally bite the bullet during a surgical procedure because of the lack of anesthesia and medicine. So soldiers bit the bullet to be able to endure the pain of surgery without anaesthesia. FeifeiThis is The English We Speak from BBC Learning English, and we’re talking about the expression ‘to bite the bullet’. When someone says the phrase done and dusted, do they mean doing some proper cleaning? If your internet connection isn't working, you'll probably have to bite the bullet and phone the technical support department. Here's a phrase that tells them what to do. Reminding someone about something they'd rather forget. FeifeiSo, Rob, you are being brave and forcing yourself to do something unpleasant, but necessary. 10)  The majority opinion at this point seems to be that writers need to bite the bullet and pay for professional editing. Two students are talking about a term paper that is due soon ... Student 1:  Have you written that term paper that is due next week? It’s a seemingly unpalatable dish, but one you’d probably not be unwilling to try. The phrase is thought to have come from the military, perhaps because biting a bullet was a common practice for patients, due to a lack of anesthesia. So do you. 20)  So here I am, biting the bullet and officially giving up on it. to bite the bullet - Examples: 1) I bite the bullet when it is finally time to clean the garage. We are large enough to pass on huge savings at big volumes, and small enough to make you feel like a VIP client. Is there someone tormenting you online? Cars that run on air? bite the bullet. 4) She bites the bullet and does the huge pile of laundry. It's going to hurt a lot. document.write(""+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+""). They do not represent the opinions of Don’t forget these letters at an important meeting. Have you ever regretted an expensive purchase? An expression about not keeping matters private, An expression for when someone's got a strong opinion, An expression that means 'to make a great effort', A phrase for people who get angry when they don't eat. Here's a phrase to describe someone who overreacts easily, Learn a different way of saying that something is likely to happen, Someone behaving badly? You won't need a car for this driving-related idiom! Husband:  But you are going to have to cut my finger and then probe the cut with some tweezers until you can find the sliver. Learn an amusing idiom, Do you know Joe Bloggs? Therefore, the usage of this phrase was extended to the tough spirit of getting through the pain or troubles. Learn more. If I’m going to get fit, I’ll have to bite the bullet and start going to the gym. Do you like eating turkey? No, it's a listicle! Stewart may yell a lot, but I doubt he’ll do anything to you—a barking dog never bites. But Li thinks they're the future and wants to invest in a company that makes them. What English expression mentions bullets?! This phrase dates from the days before anaesthetics, when wounded soldiers were given a bullet or similar solid object to clench between their teeth when undergoing surgery. to accept something difficult or unavoidable in your life, prepare yourself for the hardship or pain and then do it; Related words and phrases: You are just going to have to bite the bullet and make the best of it. 2)  You bite the bullet when you must do something you really don't like. But what has it got to do with frogs? Learn more. The bite the bullet list of example sentences with bite the bullet. Jim bit the bullet and accepted what he knew had to be. 9)  At this point the refiners have to bite the bullet on margins a bit in order to keep throughput at the most profitable levels. sentence examples. What's a razor got to do with Rob's bike ride to work? Meaning: to bury or cover something or somebody in snow (Literal meaning), Example: I feel snowed under with all the work my boss keeps throwing my way. 4) She bites the bullet and does the huge pile of laundry. We were so lucky to avoid that massive accident—we might have bitten the dust! Drink to celebrate the good things in life, drink to forget the bad. How can I put and write and define bite the bullet in a sentence and how is the word bite the bullet used in a sentence and examples? ExamplesI have a pile of work to finish, so I’m going to have to work all night – I guess I’ll have to bite the bullet. an expression of frustration with what someone is saying then ask him to stop talking, A: “Oh, I don’t think I’m going to get the job.” B: “Bite your tongue! formal<---------------|-------X-------->informal. Listen to the programme, Feifei has a thing or two to learn from the ducks in the park. You just have to bite the bullet and make the best of it. It's hard to swallow but maybe it's time for a chill pill! Your browser does not support the audio element. Will she lose her money? Let’s hear some examples of other people who have to bite the bullet… Examples I have a pile of work to finish, so I’m going to have to work all night – I guess I’ll have to bite the bullet. Here are some example sentences using the idiomatic phrase bite the bullet: After determining he was lost and couldn’t find the historic site on his own, Bill had to bite the bullet and stop and ask for directions. All I can do is to bite my tongue if I want to keep my job. Listen to the programme to find out, Is Rob hungry enough to win a pie-eating competition? 5)  The union bites the bullet when negotiations cause a strike to be called. Learn a phrase that leaves you in no doubt! In the days before anesthesia, a wounded soldier about to undergo surgery was given a bullet to clamp in his teeth and bear down on so he wouldn't bite off his tongue from the pain. Since 2015 Bite the Bullet X dba has been supplying high quality bulk ammo online. 0. I wish you sent me the likes often. Also, Francis Grose’s Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1796) holds that grenadiers being disciplined with the cat-o’nine-tails (a whip) would bite on a bullet to avoid crying out in pain. Subscribe to our new updates in your email. We have just the phrase you need! How much money do you need to roll around in it? Getting your car repaired is often an expensive business, but all you can do is bite the bullet and pay up. Feifei We may sound a little different. abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer, take, tolerate. If so, here's a phrase that tells you what to do next, Got an idea that's never going to work? If you find a certain pro that you really communicate well with, bite the bullet and ask if she is willing to give you lessons. Listen to the programme to find out. Follow me to learn about them! Copyright © 2011 Robert Ross. You won't need a credit card to use this one, Who's that knocking at the door? To do or accept something unpleasant, often after a period of hesitation. A phrase to describe what you can do at this time of year! Wife:  Do you want to continue to suffer with the sliver until it becomes infected? Read about our approach to external linking. According to the Freedictionary, this phrase is of military origin, but the precise allusion is uncertain. This is where the phrase originates from. The phrase was first recorded by Rudyard Kipling in his 1891 novel The Light that Failed. Has someone helped you with something? © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Learn an English expression that involves bullets but isn’t dangerous. to bite the bullet - Examples: 1) I bite the bullet when it is finally time to clean the garage. Enjoyed reading meaning of those sayings, very interesting . Is someone ignoring all your calls and messages? Here's an expression for when people hide behind a computer to attack others. bite the bullet definition: 1. to force yourself to do something unpleasant or difficult, or to be brave in a difficult…. What does he mean? Want to trick someone? Bite the bullet means facing up to doing something difficult or unpleasant; stoically avoid showing fear or distress. Here's an expression for when you're badly organised, Where do you go if you waste time asking pointless questions? var daym=mydate.getDate() Jim bit the bullet and accepted what he knew had to be. Listen to the programme to find out why. They seem to be getting on well... maybe they 'fancy' each other? Who's the wild card in the office? It involves bullets – well, not real ones. Is Feifei giving up her job to take care of babies? Oh no - your phone's out of battery. RobBullets! Where's the best place to learn about life? var montharray=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") 18)  It might not be an easy topic to broach, but biting the bullet is the best way to solve the issue. Learn how to use this phrase as a noun and a verb. Will she be happy about it? Certainly this was the meaning in Rudyard Kipling’s. When the time comes, I'll bite the bullet and take my punishment without a fuss. You are just going to have to bite the bullet and make the best of it. Watching a ‘box’ can’t be very enjoyable, can it? Get out and see the world – stop living in a bubble! 14)  It is time the government bites the bullet and faces the crisis squarely. Going out with a good-looking but uninteresting person? It sounds violent, but this phrase might surprise you! Don’t swallow it – otherwise things could get very unpleasant. There's something Neil's forgotten to do and now he has to face the music. High quality example sentences with “bite the bullet” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Feifei's had a new coat every day this month. 17)  For this reason men are biting the bullet, more and more often, and having their own hair removed. FeifeiDon’t ask. Rob is deleting some emails. This is The English We Speak, I’m Feifei…. You don’t know that for sure.”. Behave bravely or stoically when facing pain or a difficult situation, as in. Read on. This expression is believed to come from the days when those wounded in battle had to be treated without anesthesia and were made to bite on a lead bullet to brace themselves against the pain of surgery.