Referencia: Wikipedia, Última actualización: 2020-02-29 Tamil. Multibhashi’s Tamil-English Dictionary will help you find the meaning of different words from Tamil to English like meaning of Awesome – அற்புதம் and from English to Tamil like meaning of Awesome, The meaning of stunning, etc. Referencia: Anónimo, Última actualización: 2020-10-23 Inglés. Calidad: Calidad: தவறாக புரிந்துகொள்ளுதல், புரியாதிருத்தல், understand, comprehend, work out, fathom out, misinterpret, misunderstand, not get, estimate, என்ன நடக்கீறது என்பதை அவனால் புரிந்துகொள்ள இயலவில்லை. Sugiera una traducción mejor Dictionary – Find Word Meanings. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-03-13 But that's not really how happiness works. Frecuencia de uso: 1 Tamil meaning for the english word fathom is ஆழத்தை from செந்தமிழ் அகராதி asserted to be done; as, history abounds with false facts. Tamil. Frecuencia de uso: 1 Learn Now. MyMemory es la memoria de traducción más grande del mundo. Frecuencia de uso: 2, Frecuencia de uso: 1, Frecuencia de uso: 3. Fathom Meaning in Hindi - In the age of digital communication, any person should learn and understand multiple languages for better communication. English Dictionary; English – Hindi Dictionary Frecuencia de uso: 1 "Search Ends When Sharing Starts" If you already know the meaning of fathom (unit) in English or in any other language, Please contribute that will helpful for other users, also you can edit any data like gender, pronunciation and origin to improve accuracy. Calidad: De traductores profesionales, empresas, páginas web y repositorios de traducción de libre uso. Your email address will not be published. Referencia: Anónimo, Última actualización: 2012-03-17 Referencia: Anónimo, Última actualización: 2020-10-02 Tamil is a very old classical language and has inscriptions from 500 B.C and plays a significant role as a language in the world today. Inglés. The huge number of Tamil speaking people cutting across countries, the birth and growth of the language, the letters, the rules, the sound variations and the origin of special characters, symbols for Tamil calendar, Tamil numbers, time, land and cultural divisions, and coinage of words have also been dealt with. Calidad: Referencia: Anónimo, Última actualización: 2016-08-04 De traductores profesionales, empresas, páginas web y repositorios de traducción de libre uso. Define ‘fathom’ as used in the Bible. Frecuencia de uso: 1 Information about Apt in the free online Tamil dictionary. Calidad: Última actualización: 2018-12-20 Usted buscó: fathom meaning (Inglés - Tamil) Llamada a la API; Contribuciones humanas. We keep adding meaning and other info to all names. Referencia: Anónimo, Última actualización: 2019-03-04 Tamil Translations of Apt. Frecuencia de uso: 1 Se ha creado recopilando memorias de traducción de la Unión Europea y de las Naciones Unidas, así como alineando los mejores sitios web multilingües específicos de cada dominio. Aprendiendo a traducir con los ejemplos de traducciones humanas. Frecuencia de uso: 2 to get this name's meaning and other information. : understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much thought, : மிகுந்த யோசனைக்கு பின் (ஒரு கடினமான பிரச்சனை அல்லது ஒரு புதிரான நபரை) புரிந்துகொள்ளுதல். Calidad: Also see the translation in Tamil or translation in English, synonyms, antonyms, related words, image and pronunciation for helping spoken English improvement or spoken Tamil improvement.