Many people are wondering why the Book of Enoch is not included in the Bible. According to scholars who studied the fragments from the Qumran Cave, it is believed that a sect of Jews called Enochic Jews, who did not follow the Mosiac Law or the traditions of the Israelites wrote some of the book. The remainder of the book describes Enoch's visits to heaven in the form of travels, visions and dreams, and his revelations. July 21, 2011 at 5:52am You do not have to drink poison, in order to know it is not good for you. So, it is not surprising there would be "later editions" of the scriptures. I don't think so. A: Thank you for your question, Sidney, and I’m so glad that the Lord has led you to join this wonderful movement of more than 19 million members around the world who believe the Bible and are looking forward to Jesus’ soon return! The giants they produce were 450 feet tall (Enoch 7:2). Why was the Book of Enoch removed from the bible? Has General Conference Session voted for the ordination of female elders? These books are spell breakers, and are MUST READS for any true truth seeker or one who wishes to get closer to our Heavenly Father. Do you realize there is not a single evil word uttered throughout the entire book? Download Share Tim Staples answers a caller who asks why the early Church did not include the Book of Enoch in the Bible. All others, including the book of Enoch, were rejected as not having been inspired by the Holy Spirit. So then, while I think we can agree with Enoch's pseudobiographical nature, the question is: does the Bible support the subject matter contained in Enoch. Hope Channel, Q: Why is the book of Enoch not included in the Bible canon of 66 books? It is part of the canon. Actually, they ARE scriptural. Do you need to shoot yourself a bullet in your head, to learn more about how bad it is to shoot yourself? Aleister Crowley also followed the Book of Enoch and the enochian writings of John Dee to perform Enochian magic. Remember, Lot offered up his daughters instead. Probably not, but if and when you do, you will realize that Adam and Even were created as spiritual beings - they were not made "physical" until they were cast from the Garden which is NOT a physical place here on earth. Yes, Paul quoted some secular sources. This is definitely a doctrine of demons who want to take credit for God's creation. Because both went after heteros flesh. So why is the Book of Enoch not in the Bible? Not sure if you knew, but many of the bible verses are not a match for the "original text" but are a match for the Dead Sea Scrolls. Well, the men of Sodom wanted to have sex with the angels. I recommend to get it. Where are you getting your reasoning? e. In Enoch 15:9 evil spirits came out of the bodies of the giants. It praises Jesus for being the Anointed One by The Holy Father or Head of Days. The rest of the book was lost and not recovered until one was found in the Ge'ez language, which is in Ethiopian. So if you do not have His Spirit. This all sounds interesting to a curious searcher, however a little history can cause you to see the truth. So what did they say about it? a book of dreams and visions, and others. The Book of Enoch is part of the Bible. The Book of Enoch in our day is not even the original book, nor does it match any of the Qumran fragments; And of course Enoch was not the one who wrote it. Believing in the Bible automatically requires us to believe that God preserved and gave to man His inspired word. I’m also glad that you are eager to learn more but would caution you that the place to find truth is in God’s Word — the Bible. The point is though: Those in the Orthodox Tewahedo church claim to be Christians and they claim that the book of Enoch is part of the canon. The Book of Enoch was thought to have been lost, for over 2,000 years. Sounds to me that you need to do a little more research before casting such judgement onto others for simply doing the real work. THE BOOK OF ENOCH AN END TIME HERESY 125Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. So you disagree with something you yourself cannot prove, does that make you right? Stop insulting others in the "name of God" because it is not a righteous thing to do, and certainly not within your authority or right to do so. If you love this book, this is very scary, regarding your soul, I mean. It was never accepted as the inspired word of God because it strayed away from truth of the scriptures given by Moses. The oldest section, Section 1, is the Book of the Watchers, which is commonly estimated to date from about 300 BCE to – at the latest – the first century BCE – placing her squarely in the time of Jesus and the apostles. Regarding the dates, that doesn't prove anything because Adam didn't write Genesis-Moses did some 2000 years later. NEPHILIM HYBRIDS & ANGELS - BOOK OF ENOCH - ORIGIN OF DEMONS & GIANTS. Who determined what books were considered to be "Inspired" and what criteria (83925 Views), Pastor Enoch Adeboye & His Family, Wife, Children, Dare Adeboye, Leke Adeboye / God Used A Witch To Save My Life — Pastor Enoch Adeboye / My Message Is Not For Everybody - Enoch Adeboye Responds To Critics (2) (3) (4), (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ... (29) (Reply) (Go Down), (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ... (29) (Reply), Temple Of The Most High God Ogun: Satan Is ‘Brother’, Worshippers Served Alcohol / Coronavirus: Bishop Oyedepo To Donate Ambulances And Medical Equipment (Pics) / See What Jehovah Witnesses Go Through When Spreading The Gospel (photos), Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10).