Power to issue writs. polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Art. (2) Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to authorise proceedings in rem in respect of any claim against the Federation or the arrest, detention or sale of any ship or aircraft of the Pakistan Navy or the Pakistan Air Force or of any cargo or other property belonging to the Federation. (6) In the case of a claim in the nature of a maritime lien, other than at claim on a bottomry or respondentia bond or to the possession of the ship, the Admiralty jurisdiction of the High Court maybe invoked by an action in personam against the owners of the property which would have been arrested if the proceedings had been in rem. Regulation of Civil Procedure. "I .....................A....... B .....having been appointed Chief Justice (or a Judge) of the High Court of Judicature for Rajasthan, do solemnly and sincerely promise and declare that, I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United State of Rajasthan as by law established, that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my ability, knowledge and judgment perform the duties of my office without fear or favour, affection or ill-will and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws.". appeal to the Court of Appeal on the basis that the return order was final and could not be, Le juge autorisa la mère à faire appel dans la mesure où l'ordonnance de retour était définitive et ne pouvait être. will make an appropriate decision on the substance of the case. the application for adoption, having regard to his or her age and understanding. (4) The preceding provisions of, this sections shall not apply to any action or counter‑claim if the defendant thereto submits or has agreed to submit to the jurisdiction of the Court. Jurisdiction of Court of Appeal 3-30 14. Chinese-English Glossary; English-Chinese Glossary; Other Publications. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! death penalty must be substantiated in all cases, taking into account all the circumstances of the crime, its causes and motivations, and also information which describes not only the guilty party, but also the victim. English Subject Index to Ordinances; Chronological Table of Ordinances; Gazette; Editorial Records; Useful Information. (b) any other ship which, at the time when the action is brought, is beneficially owned as aforesaid. Glossaries of Legal Terms. An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a High Court of Judicature for Rajasthan. As a result of the amendment, appeal is now possible from a ruling of the Court of First, L'ordonnance nationale sur la justice administrative a été modifiée en mai 2003, en vertu de quoi, il est désormais possible de faire appel. Singh & ANR [2003] INSC 25 (27 January 2003), Rajasthan High Court Advocates Association Vs. Union of India & Ors [2000] INSC 667 (15 December 2000), Gulab Rai & ANR Vs. Puniya [1965] INSC 201 (7 October 1965). Saving jurisdiction of a Judge of the High Court. C. 65), and the Admiralty Court Act, 1861 (24 Vict. Single Judges and Division Courts. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "High Court Ordinance" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. les arrêts prononçant la peine capitale doivent être motivés dans tous les cas, en tenant compte de toutes les circonstances du crime, ses causes et motivations, et également des données qui caractérisent non seulement le condamné, mais également la victime. Hearing of referred cases and revision in civil cases. qu'une personne désignée dans la demande est retenue sans justification licite ; et (b) demandant la délivrance d'une ordonnance d'habeas corpus à l'égard de cette personne. Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents. High Court to review on points reserved. You can find a Lawyer in Pakistan by his name or city, ACTING AS AGENTS OF MOALLIMS (PROHIBITION) ORDINANCE, 1980, Acting as Agents of Moallims (Prohibition) Ordinance, 1980, National Information Technology Board Ordinance, 2019, Appropriation (Railways) Supplementary Ordinance, 1962, Arya Marriage Validation Act, 1937 (Indian), Airport Security Force (Discipline) Rules, 1977. Appointment of officers. 11. Power to make rules. (3) It shall come into force on the [date] which the Rajpramukh may appoint by notification in the Rajasthan gazette for the inauguration of the High Court erected and established by and under this Ordinance. 33. all cases be invoked by an action in personam. 49. (4) The reference in clause (i) of subsection (2) to claims in the nature of salvage includes a reference to such claims for services rendered in saving life from a ship or an aircraft or in preserving cargo, apparel of wreck, as, under any law for the time being in force, are autborised to be made in connection with a ship or an aircraft. Salaries etc. The prospect for another attempt at more genuine land reform. 27). in the application is being detained without lawful justification; and (b) requesting the issue of a writ of habeas corpus in respect of that person. The right of appeal is an important part of Hong Kong's legal system, for it allows a higher court to review the judgment of a lower court. 25. Pour de longs textes, utilisez le meilleur traducteur en ligne au monde ! 32. 47. By the High Court in the exercise of appellate and other civil jurisdiction. (3) Other Judges of the High Court shall be appointed by the Rajpramukh in consultation with the Chief Justice. You have reached your limit for free articles this month. 17. 43. 14. Even for the sake of argument, if it is assumed that the ordinance does incidentally trench upon the affairs of a cooperative society, such incidental trenching upon is legally permissible,” he said and relied upon a few Supreme Court judgments. 4. appeal to the Court of Appeal on the basis that the return order was final and could not be, Le juge autorisa la mère à faire appel dans la mesure où l'ordonnance de retour était définitive et ne pouvait être. 21. C. 10), in so far as they apply to, and operate in, Pakistan, are hereby repealed. 13. 27. 4 To amend and consolidate the law relating to the constitution, jurisdiction, practice and powers of the High Court and the administration of justice therein and for matters ancillary thereto and connected therewith.