Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. They include some old FF missions, as well as brand new, never seen 2. Awesome work on the rest but no game ever should make you so stressed and angry, mad at it´s creator because of it´s difficultity. the Editor, custom unit, building and in-game value modifications. There are more rats coming out now A mod to a game called Majesty 2 is in progress and it's called Majesty 2 Reloaded! Oh! Unique mechanics! V1.0. (Endurance) Difficulty settings! After 2 years of intense development and problem-solving, we finally Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Of course, and here they are: (CHANGELOGS ARE IN THE FEATURE TAB NOW!) Ratmen come out of their sewers a bit later The new version of the mod has been released sire! The Mod is released! Just run the installer as admin. medieval. Location Games: Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim: Mods: Majesty 2 Reloaded! No articles were found matching the criteria specified. The awaited mod has been released Sire! Decreased the Strength Rouges have Fixed the Description and the Name of the Perk (Thanks goes to GrinN) I suggest that you update to this one as fast as possible, since few features in the first version of the mod didn't make the game balanced enough, and this one fixes it! Added Oct 24th, 2011. internets to play some games togehter? AI of Priest (Agrela) is reworked, Randomizer: (Only works if Randomizer is turned on) The magic circle of the Southern Wizards has intruded into our lands! (Endurance), Castles have bigger resistances to weapons now, Decreased the resistances in Temples to weapons now, Balanced the damage that the buildings get, Fixed the Ice Mage Guild (supports 3 heroes now) (only works for those that have it), Fixed the Description and the Name of the Perk (Thanks goes to GrinN), Balanced production time for heroes (Rogues will spawn faster than Warriors for example). Filename Category Singleplayer Map. It fixes and adds many things! We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. Vampires have bigger resistance to magic Managed to get to the seventh mission and i abandon this stupid campaign. AI: Modding Majesty 2 has never been that easy. The kingdom has been rebuilt and its former glory was restored... Having trouble defending your kingdom? : Addons. Have fun! You simply can´t get the proper defenses against hordes of 30+ enemy heroes wich swarms your town every 3 days. You ask what changes have been made, Sire? The Mod is released! Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. 7. This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. So guys, I'm sorry for not updating this mod for a long time. The latest version of Snowy. I like challenges, i dislike insanity hardcore oriented challenges only fit for a godly skilled selected few when this mod is supposed to be distributed to a wide public audience. It was based on many changes that we added to Cold Sunrise expansion, and mostly focuses on how heroes act rather than on static values like cost and strength. Could you please reupload this mod? Anyone know what's going on? Add file and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. A highly detailed, step-by-step Editor Manual will be included with the release to get you started! Increased the gold in chests Decreased the resistances in Temples to weapons now It's been a while since the invasion of goblins and all the monster and local folk troubles. Looks like conflict can be completed only byliquidation all other competitors... No files were found matching the criteria specified. But not an insane player. Continue on Your Majesty's and his faithful Advisor's adventures to the North! Majesty 2 Reloaded is a mod in which all changes will be made to rebalance and enhance the game. Much more decreased possibility to find armour or weapons in chests This expansion is pure **** in therms of difficultity. 1. We suggest you try the file list with no filter applied, to browse all available. Add mod and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. (DISCONTINUED!). There are many changes in it too! 2. Modding Majesty 2 has never been that easy. Continue on Your Majesty's and his faithful Advisor's adventures to the North! New Singleplayer and Multiplayer missions! Or sign in with your social account: Link to Majesty 2 Cold Sunrise by selecting a button and using the embed code provided, Codename Antonius for Majesty 2 - Cold Sunrise, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch King, Call of Warhammer: Total War. Bigger possibility to find potions\elixirs. AI of Dark Priest (Krypta) is reworked is too easy for ye? Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Majesty 2 makes several changes to both the typical fantastic setting and the RTS formula, as did its predecessor, Majesty: The fantasy kingdom sim. The Boss Ogre has less health and is less resistant to melee and ranged attacks but more resistant to magic attacks It´s beyond being simply ridiculous and impossible, not fun at all, rather very discouraging. (Fix Added in!). AMP singleplayer map crossfire-variant for Majesty 2 1st: If this download is available at all, then the ADMIn has decided, it is legal enough. Only single enemies will come out of the graveyard (the one which appears when a hero dies), Stats Changes: Your Majesty, the mod has been released! I was busy with other things and I forgot about Majesty 2 Reloaded. Majesty 2 Reloaded is a mod in which all changes will be made to rebalance and enhance the game. Finally, ater all these long years our modification is nearing its final stages of development. Enjoy a whole set of Rats and Ratmen are immune to poison Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments.