Nobles and royalty had hunted deer for both food and sport, using the Deerhound or Staghound for this purpose. The English Foxhound was recognized by the AKC in 1909 and is its 62nd breed. The couples must be wide, even to raggedness, and the topline of the back should be absolutely level, the stern well set on and carried gaily but not in any case curved over the back like a squirrel’s tail. English Foxhounds are typically kept in packs by hunt clubs, but occasionally they are placed as companion dogs. [1] The skull is thick and the muzzle is long.

The eyes are brown. The English Foxhound was then created by a careful mixing of the Greyhound, for speed, the Fox Terrier, for hunting instinct, and the Bulldog, for tenacity in the hunt. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.
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The hindquarters or propellers are required to be very strong, and as endurance is of even greater consequence than speed, straight stifles are preferred to those much bent as in a Greyhound. An excellent family pet, the American Water Spaniel is smart, obedient and affectionate. This breed is tolerant, amiable, and gentle, even though they are not very demonstrative. The English Foxhound comes in any hound color, most often tricolor, tan, red, or black with a white base. The skull is wide and the muzzle is long. The teeth should be brushed often, using a toothpaste designed for dogs. They may not be well suited for city life. The English Foxhound is an easygoing dog that requires plenty of exercises. This build, along with moderately straight angulation of the stifles, favors stamina over speed. Traditionally a pack hound, the English foxhound nonetheless makes a stately house dog, as long as it has human or canine companionship. Though, the English is still the first choice of hunters looking for a good old outing on horseback. Want to connect with other people who love the same breed as much as you do? However, this same pack instinct enables the dog to bond quickly with human pack members, too. English Foxhounds are not recommended for city or apartment living, as their space will be too confined. The legs are muscular, straight-boned, and the paws are rounded, almost cat-like.