One of the writers, John, even tells us that Jesus did and said far more than could be recorded in these books (John 21:24–25). DSnHY4q3fRfnidJtns7fy0uqi4ka5hb619XNuI0EC8z8fIPz5EDstKb4qi/LVv8Am9+k7VPM/wCg What role does the Bible play in your faith? rhfMcnlcfX4g2ox2xvOVI5HELRAElXKCux6b7VxV5X54/MKO5S4uLX8zp9N+qXV3cQRwaZMsn1G6 aJFbGJ1Cjf8AaC9MVUrn8zhqdgi6b+aRsLlIq35bQ5JGLJZxJIQPTb0v3sUk1FJ+3TsMVT2z1jzB Sitemap | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Advertise. uKqmtfnD+X2jFVvtRdJGZlWNba5YkRXJtJXFI6FY5VYMR4bVxVVH5seQvrWn2h1F1udUCmxia2ug To review each of Dr. Enns’ claims about the Bible would require an entire book, and most of the barbs he hurls at the Bible are dealt with in articles we already have on this website. 2016-09-01T16:41:20-04:00 KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KpF5xv8AzVZabFJ5a0+PUL5paSxykBViWJ5C P8ahnKxjj8QBCmqmqrcb/XfJl3YE+fpJ7HULe4lupyYb5yYn9JI3jJVoEaIM4RSeZWtcVU+V1qXl bUaRf2raylFs7OO3e0kdVYCjzW/BafFSM1PxEYqnXra5PrHlG91fyIo1Kyup7e2kudSt2ltIJjAr FM10sWgsoUzKttA32C4MNxNE+4o9adK8VUNrfnyOy0jy+Lb8yLwajLJc3FzejSmlFwlzM8MbNBKk proof:pdf If we believe in our favorite sports team and believe they’ll win the championship, our belief doesn’t cause them to win it…so faith is not enough unless it is acted upon. 1WZnVowycVqKSKcVT22/Mzzu2iDUrryRNDO+o2NhHYRzXU0vo3kEc8t01LFeKW4mCPUceauvIEDk leO5jReA5eI5dVURZXOq6drOjR/p2TzFba96paN0s1WCGOFrgXlubWOJjbh/TgbmZN5YvjBr6iqS At the end of the time, God promised the land to Abraham’s descendants, and through them God promised to establish a nation through whom the Savior Messiah would come, as promised to Abraham in Genesis 12:1–3. For instance, as Daniel’s book closes he asks God for additional information about the future but is told “the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end” (see Daniel 12:8–10). It is clear from Scripture that the prophets of the Old Testament wrote under God’s guidance (2 Peter 1:19–21) of coming events they did not fully understand. S5DX6uAedv6bgqtQTy5lCKU6Yqwz8xte8y6bqKppfmjQtDt2tCzxaxIkcqy1kMcqhiKo7KENewYj JFxhkMNvc+jdRK0POr0q0DEtU7yDpQYqpS2/54/VIJIY/LSX0M1x6luFuvq8kTRxCA1I9RJA3qhy xaJqWn3avMZI2W5uVESI0YlSOWP0mr+y4FCWBxVH6K63Vs1vbf45t1lsZ5vVvEkViY7hruSqh0pc 2. LZvy1pZUMN5tdcJAG4MgkpT1By6r0qqrte8h3w8wX4h/KyTUrBDDZWl6mumDna20foRP6LV4jgo2 FytDGy0I9Z/vxVjzf848flQYuCaXLG6xGJJRd3RdQRQMOcjAsOxYHFUav5I/l0dNk0+4sJLqCZLN scKbKaYqr+VvP2o6hZ6wkX5hDVLvT7E3ckkWkcRGtnKslxLR44R+8h+H022BccWYrXFVO88+Wmra Adobe InDesign CC 2014 (Macintosh) q9tDeW835jzR6hLc200wYpcGRYkWF5VRGkMa+sAjt04GgO+KpzrUU+pWttqDjz1YXWl2VhpQm09h While it is clear from reading the New Testament that many of the Jewish people had a wrong view of the sort of Messiah God would send them, Dr. Enns denies the Old Testament writers were prophesying under God’s guidance at all. VJdKbTTrBj1r8wLqa3ubcLcWspmW4llt+R40QLSJojBIWWikDr2VZA8dvdeaL27ji852txEt3Zhx They clearly give us very different portraits of Jesus” instead of “one, clean, accurate version of the story.”5 Indeed, it has become popular to assume that any place in the four Gospels in which the same words appear is evidence that the writers merely copied one another or a common source and that they should therefore be disregarded. +iktLzT49Z2aKOS3uVJYvxHqToStP5NyOWKorUPywtdQnGof8q+aC9S3s1lB1aTiY/0e4nt4VjeM 4hs9PkklOl2sOnW8rRxswMRkd1SvFagrvXY8sVTMaB+ZQa1B81QuqTWDXJFhEheK3gZL5erit1Px obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp HnP82+NvKPISsssQeW3/AEjArxSerKpiZyOJ/diJ+SgjqP8AVVatPzC/MS6S1kT8v7oC4QGeKS7i God never contradicts Himself. At least the faith that saves. FVZTUEHuCMVWW9zb3MXq28qTREsvqRsGXkjFWFRUVVlIPviqk2pacvPldQj0pDDJWRRxkVPVKNvs /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA Some people say that if you’re not healed, you didn’t have enough faith and they point out this verse to prove their point, but was Jesus really saying that it was the woman’s faith that healed her? 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo Do you believe? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google When a man came up to Jesus to discuss his mute son, he told Him, “I asked your disciples to cast it out, and they were not able”, “‘If you can’! /OSMlyGj81WUcR0+2hCRfVkC6gLcLcXLepplxzi9cM3ojiWB2eOnHFUTqmhf85E3F/pFxY6/ptpa I6muyrJcVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdi LgzXExMh0+B7eBmCsqgiKRgeIFcVRfmD8ovy+8wX732q6WJ7iQozMJJYxWNFjSgRlAosagU8Pniq Jesus Christ prayed that the Father would sanctify us through the truth of the Word of God (John 17:17). OW7hvLIs1pcSO6Wk8xScMhYgHlNBHE243IYlt8Vas/P/AJ6WW4/SuveS4rKe2nbTLi3vJQ7T8HSE The song, “Amazing Grace” gives praise to God for saving wretches like us. Gotham H��WM�$��7����КP�+�3��a1� �z�Z0L��8�!EH For the Bible Tells Me So Directed by Daniel Karslake. wj+Knhv0xVdJqFhHcQW0lzElxdBjbQs6h5AtORRSatTkK0xVd9ateSJ6ycnZkReQqzJ9pQK7kU3x JX+RS3QHFXR+d/y8uIkuo9f0iaK4kaGKdbu2ZZJI+CtGrB6My+ugI7cl8Riq2288flvcXNta2vmD fpukRfmXNYeY2ExF0mlyqbiK54+mGiRVi5R/ZRlbv3PVVT1nz1Pa6leeXrr8zX0/WLg6fwRtGkck E5t1XgDYJVmSSvqsQ9E+wvUN1VQlq/57pplvHcLoEuqc5jNMFuRb+kPT9ENSRX9VuT14rx27d1UX Paul and James are not at odds with each other as some early Bible scholars and teachers believed. We also need to humbly acknowledge that since the rebellion of Adam and Eve we have all been rebellious sinners, unwilling to bow to our Creator’s will. 1 0 obj <>/OCGs[8 0 R]>>/Pages 3 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream For instance, Dr. Enns writes, “You can read the Old Testament as carefully and as often as you want—standing on your head, backward, with special decoder glasses, or in Klingon—and you won’t find anything about a future messiah dying and rising from the dead on the third day, the very thing Jesus says you will find there. kt1iMk6cgpc+q7AN6fLiPhTFU1bSPzBuIrrVb38qll1JNZN9DYLrkfGeO7jZ5pXdnMXKGa1t6BkK The Israelites believed that God told them to kill the Canaanites.”10. DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f The fact that we were once enemies of God, being ungodly and wicked sinners shows us that it’s all about God’ s grace and not about us (Rom 5:6-10). The Apostle Paul recorded the fact that events described in the Old Testament had actually happened: Though the New Testament is clear that the historical events recorded in the Old Testament scriptures are preserved there for our learning and hope (Romans 15:4), Dr. Enns maintains that the Old Testament writings were recorded to create a national myth for Israel. Try downloading another browser like Chrome or Firefox. Dr. Enns believes that we should stop trying to view the history in the Bible as actual history. qtYXel6fah9JbSPiltbi9kkWZdTIYUW6TiY+tTXoMVTD8xdK1y9by5daRHdySaXqrXdydPazF0sL AyCp2LDZP2iPxxVMrvX3t9S+oLpd/cMVLJcQxKYGPEsF9VnVVJpT4qCvfFVTSNbXU2lC2V5aCNVY xb3CxST+grsFbg1W4B2YA0pUnFVP/BHkee5hvRomnyXNs0YguBBEXja2AijCsBUemIwoHalMVUdK XYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqp3EzQxGQRPMQVHpxgFtyBXcqNq1OKpfaa/FdSWiJZXsa3YfjJNbSRLGVRZ 1W0uLkej6yTQh2e3Vf3iMOJP7XHFUm03zfqUfkvzJdLY6nda55YFyktjqosvrc9wlml/DGP0WZLd nZ/kz+W9mLMW+kKn1C4e7tCZZmKzSCMM1S5J/uUpXpSo3xVD2X5HflxaX9pqC6e73tmySJK08oDy We don’t like to receive something for nothing. Dr. Enns has taken the theistic evolution compromise to its next logical step. JPEG And he accuses those who consider the Bible’s history to be historical of having a naïve “rulebook view of the Bible,” and of “regulating the faith of those who read it.”3 Yet the Bible is not a collection of random rules but a divinely inspired record of the true history of man, of sin, of God’s justice, of God’s work of redeeming love and grace culminating in the sacrificial death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Another generation of compromisers—exemplified by Dr. Enns in this case—blithely do away with a literal Adam altogether. %PDF-1.5 %���� The book wastes a great deal of ink claiming that the Bible is simply not to be trusted or taken seriously. As a Bible teacher at Eastern University and a producer of homeschool Bible curriculum, Dr. Enns through this book continues his destructive influence on the faith and biblical understanding of countless children and adults. If you like what you're reading, you can get free daily updates through the RSS feed here. 4hKZCrD4eSiBjRiPau9FUhv/AM8vIFlatctcXEqIlrI6pbyBh9djaWEUcJU8EqaVpirdr+eX5c3L fL+jGf61dG6ZLmRbEut8YLcQSBjE0TIgeRebKfsrxZlWUNNS5jhp9tHfl4cCop/w+VHJUxHvBPyr Yet many lives were mercifully spared, or else God would have had no reason to repeatedly refer to “driving out” idolatrous people from the land. Why is it hard to have faith in God? GothaBol; Gotham Bible Verses, Quotes, Christian Answers, Songs and More. Dr. Enns writes, “God never told the Israelites to kill the Canaanites. F5g0oywqGuUW7t+SK0wtwXAfYGZlj3/aIXriq2Lz5+Xk/OWLzDpMot1DySLeWzcFaF7hWJD7AwRP But if the Bible is really God’s Word—and it is and Dr. Enns even says so—then why doesn’t Peter Enns believe it? GothaBoo; Gotham 8jfl9DW60rRdNTmOHr20EQqI5lk48kH7M0St/rL4jFVSf8vvJE6COfQ7KWFY/RSB4UaJU5u5Cxkc The Canaanites of Jericho continued with this rebellious spirit when they trusted the walls of their city to withstand what they knew (Joshua 2:8–11) to be the will of God concerning the area they inhabited and desecrated after Jacob and his sons left it. MM3/ABKLMaX99H+rL74Ng+g+8fpRGZLW7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq8s8r YfMunaDHZS3/ADEd9dxWMciAFUkmDEPKzFVRBwNWJ9upxVB6x598taPrMuj39w0WoR2D6osfBiHt 2016-09-01T16:41:20-04:00 mijVl/u3Na7qyrdt5A83L57uNWudB8pyaZcX4lF4LQ/pAWiTiSMvJwHKdfSR1atA/jSuKpvcD884 Type 1 And if God is holy, just, and omnipotent, then He must justly punish wickedness or make provision for its atonement. CZkerLPyJL7U/ZOKr9X0/wDOZbuuj6rpMlskduy/W4ZFZ5oxGs6MIweMcv7x9jyXYDFUJIf+cgms Dr. Enns claims they were. For further reading about many of the prophecies showing that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel, Dr. Terry Mortenson of Answers in Genesis suggests a book by Messianic Jew and Old Testament scholar Arnold Fruchtenbaum. t3HW5nNzHHZFFXl8Zj5NKg/Z+IjriqroeoC31mXUIIfzEFvaSm+k067CrC7LMpMSxE/vFkNxyf4x