The proposed election sequence for each map (listing which districts are proposed for 2020 elections, and which for 2022) is available here at this link: Proposed Election Sequence by Plan (updated 1-9-2020). RICHMOND, Va. (WWBT/AP) - The results of the 2019 Election are in and Democrats have gained control of the House and Senate for the first time in more than 20 years. The ultraconservative Good, a former athletics official at evangelical Liberty University who recently finished a term on the board of supervisors of mostly rural Campbell County, made his Christian faith a centerpiece of the campaign. Enjoy more articles by logging in or creating a free account. Bob Good wins, keeping US House seat in Virginia Republican, {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, By ALAN SUDERMAN and SARAH RANKIN The following table displays demographic data provided by the United States Census Bureau. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Immigration | Public pensions | I think that will give him valuable perspective as a congressperson,” Winter said Tuesday. 2020 legislative session | No maps yet drawn. Median age for the district is 39.7 years. Instead of being limited to saying you support or oppose a City-prepared ordinance or resolution, you can draw a map yourself! On January 21, 2020, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. Taxes. Ralph Northam and First Lady Pamela Northam cast their ballots. Thad is unethically distributing a sample ballot that is virtually identical to that of the Richmond City Democratic Committee at the polls today in order to mislead voters into thinking he is the Democratic Party endorsed candidate. 65.5% of the district is Non-Hispanic White, 18.4% Black, 5.1% Asian, 0.3% Native American or Alaskan, and 3.4% some other race with 7.3% Hispanic or Latino. You have permission to edit this article. A primary for … The National Demographics Corporation report on plan tiers (with maps grouped by legally safest by the Federal and State criteria) is available here at this link: NDC Report on Plan Tiers (updated 12-10-19). Dorothy and Richard Cannon stand outside an early voting site in Norfolk, Va. on Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2020. Donald Trump (R) received 44.4 percent. In the that election, 23 Senate districts voted for Hillary Clinton (D) and 17 voted for Donald Trump (R). Healthcare | Like it or not, Richmond is in the process of transitioning from a system of at-large City Council elections, where voters elect all City Council members, to a system of district elections, where voters elect one councilmember from a particular district of the city where they reside. Ballotpedia researches issues in local elections across the United States, but information availability is a challenge for us in many areas. City elections in Richmond, Virginia (2019) The city of Richmond, Virginia, held a general election for circuit court clerk and special elections for commonwealth's attorney and the District 5 seat of the city council on November 5, 2019. But he said he particularly liked Good and even hosted a fundraiser for him, finding him to be down-to-earth, realistic and values-driven. Nachman says all but about seven of those voters ultimately returned to the polling location to recast their ballot. Why is the City of Richmond considering going from at-large to district elections? Click here to fill out the survey. On October 22, 2019, the City adopted Resolution of Intention No. And with only three months to divide the city into six districts, each equally populated and mindful of factors such as demographics and geography, some community members are feeling rushed and concerned. This is a common question around a presidential election. Community Workshop#3 7 - 8:30 p.m. Hilltop Community Church (Activity Room) 3118 Shane Drive, Richmond. The filing deadline for this election was August 16, 2019.[2]. In those instances, both the current and new district are reflected on the results page. . According to the United States Census Bureau's 2017 data for Virginia's 7th Congressional District, the total population of the district is 790,084. #VAnews #NBC12 Ballot access for parties | The demographer’s goal will be to draw map options that meet the criteria, and that takes into account comments from the community as prioritized by the City Council. The ballots I designed are both legal and consistent with widespread practice.”. Matt Fariss, R-Rustburg, outside a polling place in Rustburg, Va., Tuesday Nov. 3, 2020. Five of 133 Virginia counties—3.8 percent—are Pivot Counties. As of 2017, its estimated population was 227,032.[3]. … And this will be a victory for religious liberty and the unashamed importance of faith and family,” he said in a speech to supporters. The filing deadline for the circuit court clerk election was March 28, 2019, and the filing deadline for the two special elections was August 16, 2019.[1][2]. CORRECTS MONTH TO NOVEMBER Voters leave a polling place on Election Day, in Richmond, Va., Tuesday Nov 3, 2020. Chesterfield election officials say that 37,886 voters have turned out so far. The draft maps will be presented for public comment and review at two additional City Council public hearings. This is the third election in a row that Virginia Democrats have made significant gains since President Donald Trump was elected. Statement from Eric Payne, campaign manager for Thad Williams: "I have been proud to be manager of a campaign for a candidate with the integrity of Thad Williamson. Democrats won majorities in both the state House and Senate in Tuesday’s legislative election. This primary was canceled and this candidate advanced: The filing deadline for this election was August 16, 2019.[1]. All draft maps will be posted seven days in advance of the City Council hearing. Rob Wittman, Ben Cline, and Morgan Griffith — held on to their seats, as did Democratic Reps. Don Beyer, Jennifer Wexton, Gerry Connolly and Bobby Scott. Leave a comment with your issue and polling place below. Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? Public Participation Kit - Paper Map w/ Population Count (in, Public Participation Kit - Paper Map w/ Population ID#s (in, Public Participation Kit - Excel Spreadsheet (in, Mapping tool reference sheet (one-page) (in. CORRECTS MONTH TO NOVEMBER A voter check with the registration table as he prepares to cast his ballots under a giant mural at Robious Elementary school on Election Day, in Midlothian, Va., Tuesday Nov. 3, 2020. November 5, 2019 at 9:16 AM EST - Updated November 6 at 1:17 PM, What’s on your ballot? Stephanie Lynch, Nicholas Da Silva, Robin Mines, Henry “Chuck” Richardson, & Jer’Mykeal Mccoy. 5710 Midlothian TurnpikeRichmond, VA 23225(804) 230-1212. This will be a victory for the nation’s founding Judeo-Christian principles. Since polls have opened, several viewers have called and emailed the NBC12 newsroom asking why political affiliations are not next to all candidates on their ballot. We are aware of the problem with the results on our website and are working to fix it. 3. Good is facing Democrat Cameron Webb in today's election. The City Council asked the residents of Richmond to help plan the City’s change to by-district Council elections. The Richmond City Democratic Committee sample ballot is not shared with anyone outside of the RCDC Executive team prior to an election. Ballot measure laws | Richmond 5th District City Council candidate Thad Williamson came under fire by five of his opponents for handing out sample ballots that they said were made to look like the Richmond City Democratic Committee had endorsed him. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Check the City’s website for individual meeting materials. Democrats in those races were trying to hold on to the competitive seats they flipped in 2018. Virginia is the only state with legislative elections this year where partisan control was up for grabs. Almanac of American Politics state profile. He promised to be an independent voice in the Senate and made opposition to a Richmond city schools rezoning plan a key part of his campaign. The city of Richmond uses a strong mayor and city council system. The City of Richmond, like over 60 cities and 150 school districts across the state, is making a change in how voters elect the City Council. Partial map drawings and maps drawn to show only your specific areas of interest are acceptable. Rafferty’s letter demanded that Richmond agree to transition to a district election system within 45 days, and gave another 90 days for the city to develop and adopt a district map, or else endure a costly legal challenge. Therefore I reject the claim that literature distributed by the campaign represents Williamson as an officially endorsed candidate of the local or state Democratic Party. After you submit your map, the City’s demographic consultants will generate the population and other demographic details for your proposed map. This issue is currently being worked on with information systems technical teams. Find results for the 2019 election. “The Chesterfield County Registrar’s Office is working through resolving technical issues with the uploading of the Election Day results. The final map must abide by certain legal criteria: that districts comprise of equal populations, abide by the Federal Voting Rights Act, and conduct no racial gerrymandering, which is drawing district lines in a way that would prevent racial minorities from electing their preferred candidates. Dr. Ghazala Hashmi defeats Republican incumbent Glen Sturtevant for Senate District 10 seat. CORRECTS MONTH TO NOVEMBER Democratic Congressional candidate, Cameron Webb, talks with Virginia Del. RICHMOND, Va. (WWBT/AP) - The results of the 2019 Election are in and Democrats have gained control of the House and Senate for the first time in more than 20 years. Click candidate names to read their answers. U.S. Mail: City Clerk’s Office, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804, E-mail: For more information, visit the city’s District Elections website here.