", and their own group name, the Army of the 12 Monkeys. She doesn't want to stop the spread of the virus. Madeline Stowe meanwhile, holds the entire movie together with an initially grounded performance. When the terrorist guy gets on the plane at the end of the movie, the woman he sits down next to is the woman scientist whom Cole interacted with several times in the future (Dr Jones, IIRC.). The initial inspiration for 12 Monkeys came from Chris Marker’s experimental masterpiece La Jetee, a landmark 1962 French New Wave film that runs a mere 27 minutes. With his knowledge, he will likely stay clear of the authorities until he dies. She does paint words about the 12 Monkeys on the store front window where they were hidden. This is not insignificant. Why does Dr. Peters do it? Therefore--just as it was with the painting on the glass--time must revert to 1916 and travel through all of that history again, this time with a Cole who has heard the recording. And for an added twist, while the film contains a fair amount of paradox-based time-travel, it also slows down during a stretch of its middle act to imply that maybe James Cole is mentally insane after all, leaving plenty of room for fan speculation (although the ending strongly suggests otherwise). I think play in a role into a greater theme I haven't been able to dissect. Why don't the scientists of future get Cole's last message? Of course, I’m referring to the scene in which Cole hears Fats Domino’s “Blueberry Hill” playing on the radio, and Willis plays the moment in tears. This will have some small effect on the way she treats him (she won't be trying to remember why he looks familiar). Maybe the old man Cole came from a parallel dimension where he and Railly actually went to the Keys and lived their life. Insurance is not one that protects life but compensates the living. Returning to point A, it becomes point C, different by virtue of the fact that he is now there, and advances to point D, which use to be point B. Beneath the ghost city of Philadelphia, a group of scientists struggling for survival and answers is hard at work in a subterranean compound looking for a cure. Shootings even at airports now. To her, these are all stories of people suffering from various insanities (some of whom she has no doubt diagnosed, quite certain in her own psychiatric arrogance that she knows the truth of the matter from years away) which involve them in the belief that they know of a future in which the world is destroyed. I gotta find 'em!" Scream now, while there's still room to breathe. Dr. Kathryn Railly's focus is in another area; she knows nothing of apocalyptic visions beyond any other psychiatrist. I always thought Bob was the guy her met at the end that gave him the gun, who when I think about it is Jose. Two different ways to "read" Schrödinger's equation - are they equivalent? A Brief History on The Making of 12 Monkeys. ESP32 ADC not good enough for audio/music? The scenes set in the future could all be in Cole's head. The remaining humans live underground. (EU), Reorganizing unorthodox PHP phone book project.