Notice at Collection There isn't much spare time as Gen and his little brother Shinji help their father and mother at work and try to make sure their family survives the tough times. MMMHAHAHAHAHA! It gave me nightmares! In Hiroshima, the Nakaoka family is working hard to survive in the midst of poverty and persecution. Watching an anime series is great, but sometimes there are just not enough free hours on your schedule to justify starting a new show. Gen's friend is killed in the blast while he is buried under rubble by the resulting shockwave. Hell breaks loose and the family must find a way to survive this nightmare.For starters, most of the events in the movie are based on the real experiences the author and his family went through. Still, the story is far more realistic than almost any other anime title. Daikichi, Eiko and Shinji burn to death as Gen and his mother watch helplessly. The former did admit “War is Hell.”  And Barefoot Gen ushers us into a world of hellish dimensions. Kimie gives birth to a baby girl, Tomoko. mother who is currently in the late stages of pregnancy. FAQ On August 6, 1945, Gen and a friend arrive at school just as a lone B-29 aircraft flies overhead. All due to something history calls the Manhattan Project. A simple family is living a simple life until one simple day and out of the blue KABOOM! Many good people who were brushed aside in an intense effort to end the most senseless of twentieth century conflicts. ART SECTION: 6/10 General Artwork 1/2 (generic) Character Figures 0/2 (poorly drawn) Backgrounds 2/2 (basic but fitting with the feeling of the series) Animation 1/2 (basic) Visual Effects 2/2 (poor but artsy) SOUND SECTION: 5/10 Voice Acting 1/3 (dried up but fitting with the feeling of the series) Music Themes 2/4 (poor but fitting with the feeling of the series) Sound Effects 2/3 (ok I guess) STORY SECTION: 7/10 Premise 2/2 (interesting) Pacing 2/2 (good) Complexity 1/2 (not much) Plausibility 1/2 (so-so) Conclusion 1/2 (cheesy) CHARACTER SECTION: 5/10 Presence 0/2 (weak) Personality 2/2 (rather cheesy but well founded) Backdrop 1/2 (generic and simplistic but it’s there) Development 1/2 (overblown but it’s there) Catharsis 1/2 (overblown but it’s there) VALUE SECTION: 8/10 Historical Value 3/3 (sall-known) Rewatchability 1/3 (low because of too much overblown drama) Memorability 4/4 (extremely tragic to the point of forever remembering it) ENJOYMENT SECTION: 8/10 Too bent on shock factor and makes little sense but does great on the emotional level. Anything good to look for? With Issei Miyazaki, Catherine Battistone, Yoshie Shimamura, Iona Morris. It sounds cool to be able to seal the fates of so many people, doesn’t it? They later take refuge in a makeshift shack where they try to live on what little rice they have. Daikichi and Kimie realize the war is not going well, though they wonder why Hiroshima has been spared from the air raids which devastated other Japanese cities. This leaves Gen as the protector of his mother. VERDICT: 6.5/10. For starters, there is no mention of WHY the bombing took place. Gen does display that courage, a testimony of honor to his noble father who spoke his mind and showed the character on one not easily beaten. Barefoot Gen was released in Japan on 21 July 1983 where it was distributed by Herald Enterprises. The really long scene of the explosion is amongst the most nightmarish things ever made into animation. He later finds a ration storehouse containing rice, most of which has already been seared by the blast. No! They are depicted in an overdramatic way, but are real nonetheless. Gen and his family are as simple as characters can get and act quite passively and apathetically most of the time. This is terrible! Keep going! There are no cool characters outrunning explosion bursts, jumping around severed electric cables and saving people in distress with mambo jumbo acrobatics, before the cavalry arrives to save the day with high tech helicopters and medicine supplies. Terms Directed by Mori Masaki and starring Issei Miyazaki, Masaki Kōda and Tatsuya Jo, it depicts World War II in Japan from a child's point of view revolving around the events surrounding the bombing of Hiroshima and the main character's first hand experience of the bomb. He discovers that soldiers are distributing rice, but arrives to find them collecting corpses before burning them in mass graves. With renewed optimism, Gen, his mother, and Ryuta set a paper boat lantern down the river. Not for the weak of heart, and I don't think I could watch more than once. Create lists for what you've seen & read, watch over 40,000 legal streaming episodes online, and meet A few weeks later, Gen and Ryuta see wheat beginning to grow despite having heard that grass would not grow. But what about the real story behind all that? This movie is a very hard step forward into admitting what really happened, without disguising this whole mess with pretty colors, cheesy story, cardboard characters and a lame happy ending. The people are presented like they do not care about the war, something that is a lie. Did you know that all those huge combining robots fighting the monsters were in fact the depiction of Japan’s will to survive and flourish, despite all odds? is a property of MyAnimeList Co.,Ltd. The horrors of Hiroshima are graphic. This movie exists solely to make you feel nauseated with people who are suffering, rotting and dying like dogs. The bombing aftermath is equally simple in detail but the horror alone is enough to make you forget that. Steve Bulen, Kurtz, McConnohie, Mike Reynolds, and Woren provide additional voices in the English version of the film. Although stories like this which are based on true events will always be the subject of some sort of criticism I have to commend Keiji Nakazawa for putting this out there in such a vivid way that still to this very day many similar titles based on WWII do not accomplish even outside the realm of animation. Fall 2017 anime which were licensed more, Sep 29, 2017 11:59 AM by Snow | Discuss (37 comments), The 10 Best Anime Movies You May Not Have Heard Of, About It made me sick! Gen tells Ryuta to tell his mother where they are, and he spends the night with the man, which inspires him to paint once again. Heart wrenching and reminded me of Grave of the Fireflies. (Source: ANN), North American Anime & Manga Releases for December, Here are the North American anime & manga releases for December Week 1: December 5 - 11 Anime Releases Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal Set 3 DVD Bishoujo more, Dec 4, 2017 10:08 AM by Sakana-san | Discuss (19 comments), Q4 2017 Anime & Manga Licenses [Update 12/23], In this thread, you'll find a comprehensive list of anime and manga licensed in the fourth quarter (Oct-Dec) of 2017. Then, on August 6th, the atomic bomb Little Boy detonated in the center of town, and the people's lives were changed forever. In general, Gen is the epitome of the average Japanese male’s ideals and nothing more. You think you know anime movies? They didn’t know that drinking contaminated water was instant death. It is a highly dramatic depiction of the horror of the bombing’s aftermath. It caused me psychological scaring! It involves my dad. Advertising The doctor has no clue what caused the soldier's death. Well, yes, the visual effects. Dreadful but true. The refusal of the regime to surrender at the bombing of Hiroshima, even the censuring of news about the holocaust. Anime-Planet is a site run by fans, for fans. The extreme sufferings from radiation poisoning. But after the country was finally restored in the 80’s and the newer generation was not so fond of taboos, movies such as these were now freely presented to the public.Did you know that all those old series about huge monsters attacking Japan were in fact the fear of a nuclear attack, dressed in scary (and beatable) forms? Oh, yes, anime were born out of the angst and hope of the Japanese people for a better future. Gen finds Kimie in the ruined city and they try to rescue their family, who are buried alive under their burning collapsed house. The sadness for the family is unbearable. Youngsters prefer amoral, trendy dressed, longsword-carrying heavy-dudes these days and not idealistic boy scouts. With his father constantly working, six year old Gen has been left in charge of his family, yet stays relentlessly optimistic in the face of hardship. Anime up to then where only indirectly showing the horrors through fiction in the forms of alien invasions or huge robots leveling cities. [1][2] It was released in the United States on 13 June 1992, and dubbed by Streamline Pictures in 1995.[2]. This is awful! Our writer sets themselves a only-one-movie-per-director rule and comes up with 30 movies every anime fan must see. They didn’t know that radiation would kill them if they stood around the bombed area. Keep away!If you so much want more of this, there is also Grave of the Fireflies and Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. Founded in 2001 as the first anime & manga recommendation database. And the bleak colors following the bombing almost to the end really succeed into keeping you depressed. And just imagine that the graphics in the original manga were twice as ugly. [3], Learn how and when to remove this template message, the air raids which devastated other Japanese cities, I Saw It: The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima: A Survivor's True Story, Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars, Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card, Jubei-chan: The Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch, Jubei-chan: The Counter Attack of Siberia Yagyu, Space Pirate Captain Herlock: The Endless Odyssey. The opening of this movie is so positive to the point where I was bobbing my head to the catchy opening song, and thinking "Yup, this is definitely going downhill from here.". You’ve got to be a masochist of the highest order if you want to face all this meaningless suffering and death all over again.