The sergeant found the lady’s head on the floor behind the snack bar. They then filled those semen-infested wounds with cigarette butts. Fucked-up scene.”. There were big tents set up for a game the next day. ), Tons of crimes that never were recorded, gunshots going off in the dead of night, a scream that suddenly got cut short, we were just told to lay on the floor while my father paced the house with a shotgun until he felt it was safe.”. He said him and Maddie were playing baseball, and when he hit the ball, it hit Maddie in the eye causing her to bleed. The door is open but you can smell something really bad has happened. I don’t even know what it was, but even I noticed they were weird, and I was a little kid. I was packing for an international trip the night of the police shooting. I can’t imagine responding to a noise complaint, expecting to tell a rowdy or intoxicated resident to keep it down, only to find a garage of garbage cans full of body parts. When she looked more closely, she discovered Maddie’s body stuffed inside the pedestal of the bed. Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. After completing this quiz, please talk to your dermatologist about your answers as soon as possible. One of the rules her parents had was that she wasn’t to take her meds anymore because they weren’t what they considered ‘godly.’. Forensic evidence showed that all had been beaten to death with a sledgehammer which was found near the family’s remains. They shut the power off to scare her. The most awful thing about it that you have to go through it all to see if you can identify any adults in the pictures to try and get them busted. That’s one of the guys from the party. I hear her say ‘when I’m bad mommy and Uncle Badtouch (name changed for privacy) stick fingers inside me.’. He was hiding in the shower and the door hit the barrel and it managed to get under his chin and somehow it went off when the guy fell back into the shower/tub. I still have nightmares about that one. Crime Scene Investigation: A Mystery Solved Georgie Dickerson, Grade 9, St John's College Short Story 2012 Saturday - New York 5:30am… Jensen was awoken to the sound of his favourite theme song as he received a call from Agent Barts (manager of CSI unit) informing him of a murder at Albany, 30 minutes from Jensen’s apartment. The worst thing I found out was this one prisoner who raped a little girl. So, yeah, Central Illinois is just low-key slang for ‘Trevor Philips country’.”, 18. According to Wikipedia, Kelly Anne Bates (18 May 1978 – 16 April 1996) was a British teenager murdered on 16 April 1996 at age 17 in Manchester after being tortured for four long weeks. It’s mostly flat farmlands around here so I really do not understand how someone can just disappear into thin air in the middle of nowhere without a body or any remains being found.”, “Beginning in November 1945 through October 1950, five people — ages 8- to 74-years-old — went missing in the area. This crack addict ended up cutting off his dog’s cock and microwaving it. They were sure the local police couldn’t do anything, the newspaper even said the police had nothing to go on, and it just kept getting worse. One thing I’ll never forget about that scene is how much it smelled like iron. I mean there were literally 40 or so bottles with milk in them. “My partner and I got a tip from a narcotics source to check out an abandoned bowling alley for some activity. It wasn’t until I walked downstairs to get some tacos at around 10pm and a couple cops with sniper rifles were posted up in our lobby and told me to “get the fuck back upstairs, we are on lockdown!” that I realized some shit went down. I also found that her parents’ e-mails were allegedly hacked later on. So they killed her and left her body in the closet and then went to the party like nothing happened.”. It was a part of the description of the scene from the 911 caller and it said ‘head blown off.’ That’s when I knew we were in for a crazy scene. So we load up our noses with Vick’s and open the door. What I witnessed that night and the following day really changed my perspective on a lot. It was our supervisor and the young officer he was FTOing. The sheriff's office said that a third suspect is 16 years old was charged as an adolescent offender and arraigned by Cayuga County Court, Youth Part and released. His step dad told him if he didn’t move he’d kill him too. They then proceeded to rape him in the cavities made by said knives. (2015-now) Several fatal shootings and beatings that have killed a few people. They were both understandably scared about their children, so he put on some rubber gloves and went into the flipped car. Went to go check on her, drove up to the address, and saw a truck sittin’ in gate. Angela has never been heard from again. “Second week in my new apartment and my neighbor gets robbed and stabbed. It was three girls — two were adults and one was still in high school — and the parents. He was placed in the custody of his aunt who later committed suicide and he was left in the care of the state after that. You have permission to edit this article. Things deteriorated over time and the parents continued to withhold her medications. Her brother, who lives with her, does it also. Here’s the article if you’re so inclined.”, “A friend of mine’s dad is a cop. At one point they picked Bulger up and dropped him on his head which caused him to have a bump on his head and, according to bystanders, cry. motorcyclists.”, “My stepfather worked traffic homicide for years and encountered any number of frankly gruesome things, but the story I remember really sticking out in my mind involved a car hitting an electric pole on a rainy night. The guys had also both shat themselves. He knocked and then started firing a shotgun through the door, hitting a toddler. Anyways, one of the boys managed to get some of the propane on his shoe and lit his shoe on fire. Tips may be left at A few days later, they were killed in their own home. If you want to learn more just dig around. One of the girls lived longer than the doctors expected and complained of ‘pains.’ During an inspection they discovered the rape and posted cameras which eventually caught him. While he was searching, he found a small, bloody sock sitting on the ground. 25. Roaches everywhere. As I approached, I put my flashlight on him and nearly soiled myself; the top half of his head was just…gone. We had to peel him off the floor and what used to be his face and chest was now a large amount of maggots and goop. People heard the gunshot and called the police, which prompted him to run away in his car down the main road about 2km to his parents house where he got into their gun locker, killed his parents and then had a standoff with the police that lasted a couple of hours and ending in him shooting himself.”. The couple we sold the house to was nice enough, but a little odd. “My brother’s husband is a … What to you mean by worst? He asked, ‘remember the 2 black dudes the off duty cop killed breaking into his parents house?’. 24. There was this schizophrenic guy who was convinced he was a dog. Got out and walked up, didn’t see anything in or around the truck, decide to walk past. We stash it for her no problem. Then I decided to walk up to the house after calling in what happened. The baby’s uncle found the baby and got enough neighbors gathered to set the boyfriend on fire. So me and Rich (his partner) go over and lo and behold no visible AC unit in this 100-year-old house.